How to uninstall mcafee for macbook
How to uninstall mcafee for macbook

This action ensures that we are using the latest removal tool version. We should always download a fresh copy of the tool before each use.Make sure you follow the suggestions below: There are a couple of things that the McAfee company emphasizes. The official title given to this tool is “ McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool (MCPR).” McAfee has its own removal tool that users can download and use. But if the program isn’t uninstalled, we recommend the next alternative.Īdditional Tip: We also recommend checking for McAfee’s Webadvisor and uninstalling that too. Now, this method should be enough for most users. Let the process complete and select Restart Now at the end.We will see a confirmation message about ending the subscription, go ahead, and click on Continue.You will see a “ Select What you want to Remove “section in the Uninstaller.Selecting this option should trigger the Uninstaller Click on the three-dotted button on the right-hand side. You should see a listing named McAfee or something like McAfee Protection.On the Apps list section, search McAfee.This action will take you to Apps > Apps & Features. Press Windows Key and search/select Add or Remove Programs.Follow the steps below to uninstall McAfee via windows settings.

how to uninstall mcafee for macbook

We can do it via Apps > App & features of windows settings.

how to uninstall mcafee for macbook

Windows has its own way of uninstalling programs. We have compiled solutions covering windows settings, third-party apps, and some final checks to get the residual files, services, or tasks sorted.

  • What to Do After Removing McAfee from Windows 11?Ĭheck out the steps serially to remove the program efficiently.
  • Check & Clean Any Residual files & Settings.

  • How to uninstall mcafee for macbook